Thursday 20 September 2012


MUSIC, trees and my love for the Lord are the things I am most passionate about in life. My grandfather taught me the fascinating art of planting trees and I learned to play the guitar on my travels overseas." The words of street musician Shaun Tree who sits in front of a wellknown shop in Hermanus every day entertaining shoppers and bystanders.

Shaun was born in Pietermaritzburg some 53 years ago. After leaving school he worked for the governement for some years after which he left for overseas. While working and traveling through Europe he learned to play the guitar. He then came to live in Hermanus some nine years ago.

He loves to sing and play the music of groups like Pink Floyed and the Rolling Stones and solo artist like Bob Dillon. "And now and then I like to sing my own songs," he says with a smile.
And what are you doing at the moment with your life? I ask him realizing how difficult it must be for him to survive the harsh commercial realities of today's life.
"I am waiting for Jesus."
His answer without any hesitation strike me between the eyes and he continues: "I met Jesus some thirty years ago and today He is my Father and rolemodel and I do what He wants of me every day. The book I love to read most, apart from the Bible, is Revelations of the Seven Seals, my best movie is The Passion of the Christ and my favourite Bibel verse is Matthew 9:7 - "The greatest command ...this is My Son...Jesus. Listen to Him..."

Shaun has written several songs in the past mainly about his life, but he is now writing twelve gospel songs which he wants to contribute to his Heavenly Father.
Before we say goodbuy I asked him one last question: What do you think Shaun is the key to success in life? He looks around him and then straight at me; then answer with a twinkel in his eys: "How is success then measured..?"

by Shekilah

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