Sunday 18 November 2012


I was born in Zimbabwe and grew up between there and South Africa. After school I chose a career in radiography as it enabled me to travel! On returning to SA after working several years in the USA I felt I wanted to try something new. Flea market trading, which was relatively new in South Africa looked like something I could try as a way of life and so become my own boss!
I initially became a tour guide for six months and saw how tourists enjoyed the crystals and gemstone jewellery. So I borrowed stock from a friend for a week and began the market life and the rest is history! I eventually learnt to make my own jewellery. I became fascinated with the beauty of crystals. Thos took me back to the USA to attend a crystal course at an academy in Hawaii .
I moved to Hermanus in 2002 as I love the mountains and the sea and the quiet village feel. And of course there was that vibrant outdoor flea market where I finally got a permanent space a year later. Outdoor trading is tough – battling the weather elements of hectic winds, cold rain and hot sun and having to pack into and out of my car day every day for all those years.
But at last in December of 2009 after pleading with the municipality for shelter, we finally moved into our covered stalls and each set about decorating our individual 3X3 spaces. What a relief to be able to leave our stock packed out and just roll down the doors at the end of the day.
Since then my business had grown as I am able to display many more beautiful items – shining crystals, rough gemstones, fossils, local shells, amber, shark’s teeth, gemstone jewellery (necklaces, pendants and earings) and much more. I make a big effort to source my products which are both local as well as from overseas and I make up a lot of it myself . This makes my stall and products unique. People often compliment me. Telling me that it is the most interesting and pretty shop there!
So what do I love about my business? The fact that I am my own boss, meet interesting people, work “outdoors” in a sense, have the whales frolicking a few steps away and am surrounded by beautiful crystals.
My interests also extend to song writing and in 2009 I recorded a CD of my own songs – inspiring music reflecting my take on life. These are available at my shop. My other love is for animals, especially dogs. I volunteer at our local animal welfare.

But please stop by my shop #19 (ask anyone for Judy the “Crystal lady”) and have a browse or a chat. I am there myself weekends, Tues and Thurs, and have an assistant Barbara there on other days. She is fluent in German thankfully! See you soon.

Sunday 23 September 2012


NEXT to Nelson Mandela he is the most photographed person in South Africa and people love to be photographed next to him. His name is Eric Davalala, he just turned 23 years and he is the only Whale Crier in the world. And with the Whale Festival around the corner he will be - for the next few months - the most important person in Hermanus. Calling everyone on his special trumpet when whales are seen in the waters of Hermanus.

Eric grew up in the village of Willovale in the Eastern Cape and came to Hermanus in 2006. He was then still at school which he finnished in the next year. Although there was hardly any jobs available he eventually got appointed as a parking attendant in Hermanus. He worked hard at his job and two years later he was appointed supervisor by the company. This he did untill July in 2011 when he left the company. During this time he was successfull in applying for the job as Whale Crier and was then appointed.
"When I was interviewed they told me that the Whale Crier must be very friendly and talkative. That I am and I have never been happier in my life. I love my job more than anything," the friendly young man told Hermanusnews Online.
But not only is the town's Whale Crier a happy person. He is also very talented and loves doing poetry at private functions. "But I don't write the poetry. I just do it in Xhosa. It's easy and the words just flow. This God gave me and I love Him for He is the One that gave all this to me."
And a girlfriend? "Oh yes there is someone very special in my life. Her name is Cindy," he says with another smile.
By now a new group of tourists has gathered around us - waiting to photograph our young Whale Crier . We say goodbye and leave a happy, talented and very talkative young man who will always bring a smile to your face.

                                                  BY ARNOLD

Thursday 20 September 2012


"TOERISTE neem my en my drie brakkies al meer af as vir die walvisse..."
Tong-in-die-kies aan die woord is Eastwood Nel (foto) van Onrusrivier oor hom en sy bekende motorfiets met die drie worshondjies agterop. Maar dinge was nie altyd so maklik vir hierdie bekende inwoner van die Overstrand nie.
Reeds so ver terug as 1969 het hy in die kloue van dagga beland. Maar dit was eers na sy vrou, Erica, hom uit die huis gejaag en van hom geskei het, dat dinge werklik uitmekaar begin val het. "Ek was werklik sleg," vertel hy. Hy besluit om "met 'n rugsak, 'n parcel dagga en 'n paar honderd rand..." na Hermanus te ryloop. Hier aangekom, slaap hy vir 'n paar weke in 'n grot by die ou hawe waar hy "bier in die een hand en zol in die ander " saam met die toeriste die walvisse in die branders bekyk.
Kort hierna kry hy 'n tydelike werk en 'n blyplek, maar nie lank daarna is hy weer sonder werk en terug op straat. Nou is dit egter winter en koud. Hy raak so desperaat dat hy by by 'n vakansiehuis inbreek. Dit kos hom agt maande in die tronk waar hy tot die besef kom dat hy hom sal moet rehabiliteer.
Hy word uiteindelik in die Hesketh King Rehabilitasie Sentrum opgeneem waar hy uitvars en vir die eerste keer aan homself erken dat hy 'n verslaafde is. "Dit was die eerste en moeilikste stap. Hierna was dit die lang pad boontoe..."

Vandag praat Eastwood gereeld oor sy lewe om ander te help. "Nou geniet ek die sonskynkant van die lewe en is dankbaar vir al die goeie vriende en hulle wat my so ondersteun. Ek Tertia en die seuns is lankal reeds weer vriende - sy was en is mos maar nog altyd my hart se punt en ek is nog net so baie lief vir haar..."

PS En vir diegene wat dalk wonder waarom Eastwood so gereeld die strate met sy brakkies deurkruis, bestel gerus 'n pizza vanaf Debonairs en ontmoet hom by jou eie voordeur


MUSIC, trees and my love for the Lord are the things I am most passionate about in life. My grandfather taught me the fascinating art of planting trees and I learned to play the guitar on my travels overseas." The words of street musician Shaun Tree who sits in front of a wellknown shop in Hermanus every day entertaining shoppers and bystanders.

Shaun was born in Pietermaritzburg some 53 years ago. After leaving school he worked for the governement for some years after which he left for overseas. While working and traveling through Europe he learned to play the guitar. He then came to live in Hermanus some nine years ago.

He loves to sing and play the music of groups like Pink Floyed and the Rolling Stones and solo artist like Bob Dillon. "And now and then I like to sing my own songs," he says with a smile.
And what are you doing at the moment with your life? I ask him realizing how difficult it must be for him to survive the harsh commercial realities of today's life.
"I am waiting for Jesus."
His answer without any hesitation strike me between the eyes and he continues: "I met Jesus some thirty years ago and today He is my Father and rolemodel and I do what He wants of me every day. The book I love to read most, apart from the Bible, is Revelations of the Seven Seals, my best movie is The Passion of the Christ and my favourite Bibel verse is Matthew 9:7 - "The greatest command ...this is My Son...Jesus. Listen to Him..."

Shaun has written several songs in the past mainly about his life, but he is now writing twelve gospel songs which he wants to contribute to his Heavenly Father.
Before we say goodbuy I asked him one last question: What do you think Shaun is the key to success in life? He looks around him and then straight at me; then answer with a twinkel in his eys: "How is success then measured..?"

by Shekilah